Case Study: How Automatic Doors Enhance Efficiency and Security in Modern Facilities

In an era where convenience, accessibility, and safety are paramount, automatic doors have emerged as a transformative solution for various facilities, ranging from bustling commercial buildings to healthcare institutions. This case study delves into the tangible benefits of automatic doors in different settings, supported by real-world examples and expert testimonials.

Automatic Doors: A Paradigm Shift in Accessibility and Convenience

Automatic doors, equipped with sensors and actuators, provide seamless entry and exit points, particularly for individuals with mobility limitations, the elderly, or those carrying heavy loads. This enhanced accessibility fosters a welcoming environment, aligning with inclusivity goals.

Furthermore, the convenience offered by automatic doors translates into improved operational efficiency. In high-traffic areas, such as shopping malls or airports, the elimination of manual door opening streamlines pedestrian flow, reducing congestion and enhancing the overall experience.

What is The Role of Automatic Doors in Modern Facilities?

Automatic doors serve as the first point of interaction between a building and its users. Their design and functionality impact not only the flow of people but also the safety and security of the facility. Modern automatic doors are equipped with advanced technologies, such as sensors, artificial intelligence, and access control systems, to provide seamless operation and enhanced security.


Case Study 1: Commercial Buildings – Streamlining Access and Enhancing Security

  • Location:Downtown Office Tower, New York City
  • Challenge:High foot traffic and security concerns
  • Solution:Installation of smart automatic doors with integrated access control

In the heart of New York City, a downtown office tower faced challenges related to managing high foot traffic while maintaining stringent security protocols. The building’s management team decided to upgrade to automatic doors equipped with advanced access control systems.

  • Implementation:The automatic doors were installed at all main entry points, replacing the traditional manual doors. These doors were integrated with the building’s security system, allowing only authorized personnel to enter. Visitors were required to check in at a kiosk, where they received a temporary access code that activated the doors.


  • Efficiency:The automatic doors significantly reduced bottlenecks during peak hours, allowing for a smoother flow of people in and out of the building. According to the facility manager, the time spent by employees entering the building during peak hours was reduced by 30%.
  • Security:The integration with access control systems ensured that only authorized individuals could enter, reducing the risk of unauthorized access. The building saw a 25% reduction in security incidents within the first six months.

Case Study 2: Hospitals – Enhancing Hygiene and Patient Safety

  • Location: Mary’s Hospital, Los Angeles
  • Challenge:Maintaining hygiene and ensuring patient safety
  • Solution:Automatic sliding doors with touch less operation in critical areas

Hospitals require stringent hygiene standards, especially in critical areas such as operating rooms and intensive care units. St. Mary’s Hospital in Los Angeles sought to enhance its infection control measures by installing automatic sliding doors with touch less operation.

Implementation: The hospital installed automatic sliding doors in all critical areas, including operating rooms, intensive care units, and isolation wards. These doors were equipped with motion sensors, allowing them to open and close without any physical contact. The doors were also integrated with the hospital’s emergency system, enabling quick and easy access in case of emergencies.


  • Hygiene:The touch less operation of the doors significantly reduced the risk of contamination, as staff and visitors no longer needed to touch door handles. According to the hospital’s infection control team, there was a 40% reduction in contact-based infections in the areas where the automatic doors were installed.
  • Patient Safety:The automatic doors provided quick and easy access to critical areas, ensuring that medical staff could reach patients without delay. This feature was particularly beneficial in emergency situations, where every second counts.

Testimonials from the Field

  • The Architect, Commercial Building:“By incorporating automatic doors in our designs has become standard practice and hey not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of a building but also contribute to a more user-friendly and accessible environment. So Clients appreciate the added value in terms of convenience and efficiency.”
  • Facility Manager, Hospital:“The installation of automatic doors in key areas of our hospital has been a game-changer. We’ve seen a marked improvement in infection control and overall operational efficiency. The touch less feature is particularly beneficial in maintaining a sterile environment.”

Data-Driven Insights

While the qualitative benefits of automatic doors are evident, data further reinforces their positive impact:

  • Reduced Energy Consumption:Studies indicate that automatic doors can reduce energy consumption by up to 30% compared to manual doors, translating into significant cost savings over time.
  • Improved Pedestrian Flow:In high-traffic areas, automatic doors can increase pedestrian throughput by up to 25%, reducing congestion and enhancing the overall experience.
  • Enhanced Safety:The touch less operation of automatic doors minimizes the risk of cross-contamination, particularly in healthcare settings.


Automatic doors represent a significant advancement in modern facility design, offering a multitude of benefits ranging from enhanced accessibility and convenience to improved efficiency and safety. The case studies presented highlight the transformative impact of these doors in various settings.

As technology continues to evolve, we can anticipate further innovations in automatic door systems, incorporating features such as advanced sensors, biometric authentication, and seamless integration with building management systems.  Automatic doors are not merely a functional addition to a building; they are an investment in accessibility, efficiency, and safety, creating a more welcoming and user-friendly environment for all.


  1. What are the main advantages of automatic doors for commercial buildings?

Automatic doors offer multiple benefits for commercial buildings, including:

  • Improved Accessibility:Automatic doors create a welcoming and inclusive environment by providing easy access for people with disabilities, the elderly, and those carrying heavy loads.
  • Enhanced Efficiency:They streamline pedestrian flow in high-traffic areas, reducing congestion and wait times.
  • Energy Savings:By minimizing heat loss or gain through precise opening and closing mechanisms, automatic doors contribute to energy efficiency and cost savings.
  1. How do automatic doors contribute to safety and hygiene in healthcare facilities?

Automatic doors play a crucial role in healthcare facilities by:

  • Preventing Infection Spread:Touchless operation minimizes the risk of cross-contamination, crucial in areas like operating rooms and intensive care units.
  • Facilitating Swift Movement:Wide opening and adjustable hold-open times enable unhindered passage for medical equipment and gurneys, critical in emergencies.
  1. Are automatic doors a worthwhile investment?

Yes, automatic doors are a valuable investment for various reasons:

  • Long-Term Cost Savings:Energy savings and reduced maintenance costs offset the initial installation expense over time.
  • Enhanced User Experience:Improved accessibility, convenience, and safety create a positive impression on visitors and occupants.
  • Future-Proofing:As technology advances, automatic doors can be upgraded with features like biometric authentication and integration with building management systems.

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